Hi, I'm Ymir and I'm an EVE-aholic.
I've played EVE on and off since 2009, going from completely clueless and joining a completely clueless corp to being in a major nullsec alliance, from building ships at a loss to researching the most profitable thing to build, from not knowing how the market works to making money with stationtrading.
I've been scammed, I've been ransomed by pirates as a fledgling pilot, I've exploded gloriously in pvp, flown missions in a Tengu.
I have tasted much of what EVE has to offer, yet there is always more to experience.
In this blog, I will give an account of my experiences on a day to day basis. Running 2 to 4 accounts at any one time, this can range from 'a day at the office' with stationtrading to our corp's move from Tribal Band into a new frontier, to my plans of setting up my own little industrial wing.
Make no mistake, I do not consider myself a 'good' player, or even very experienced for that matter. There's more to EVE that I have not experienced than what I have. I suppose the best way to see this, is a recounting of average Joe Spaceman and his findings in EVE.
The things I intend to write here may not be fascinating to older, more experienced players. It might be self-evident to them, and as such no longer worthy of note.
However, for people like me, who are fascinated by everything EVE has to offer, and who enjoy the vicarious experiences that blogs offer, this might very well turn out to be an enjoyable read.
That's what I hope to achieve.
In my next post, expect a recounting of my latest pet project: Stationtrading.
For now my friends, fly well and experience all that EVE has to offer.
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